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Undergraduate Studies
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Peer Teaching
The Undergraduate Peer Teaching Program in Biology is offered in the Fall and Spring semesters of each academic year to more than 800 students in 33 lab sections. Each section is staffed by one teaching assistant and one undergraduate peer teacher. Peer teachers work closely with students in one lab section per week to enhance the classroom learning experience and promote further understanding of the material and are supervised by professors or teaching assistants in these efforts. Peer Teachers offer personalized attention, blurring the lines between teaching and learning, which enhances student enthusiasm. Their effectiveness is evident in positive student feedback and many Peer Teachers' own experiences inspire them to join. Peer Teachers find the experience enriching, developing communication skills and deepening subject knowledge. Their contributions are formally recognized, with a new $350 fellowship for Intro Biology Peer Teachers which started Fall 2023.
Biology 2100 Peer Teaching
Introduction to Biology: Cell Biology and Genetics Laboratory (FALL)
Encompasses: principles of scientific investigation, cell division, genetics, bacterial transformation, PCR and DNA sequencing.
Biology 2200 Peer Teaching
Introduction to Biology: Organismal and Evolutionary Biology (SPRING)
Encompasses: evolution and natural selection, animal form and function and biodiversity in a changing world
Apply to Peer Teach for BIOL 2200, Spring 2024 >>