- Research
- People
- Graduate
Undergraduate Studies
- Overview
- How to Declare
- Bachelor of Arts in Biology (B.A.)
- Bachelor of Science in Biology (B.S.)
- Biology Minor
- Specialization in Environmental and Biological Conservation
- Biology Undergraduate FAQ
- Undergraduate Research
- Distinguished Majors Program
- iGem at UVA
- Human Biology Distinguished Major Program
- Biology Major Email List
- Related Information
Undergraduate Studies
- News & Events
- Connect
Visit the Biology Department
If you would like to arrange a virtual meeting with a member of our faculty during the academic year, please contact the Biology Department Administrative Coordinator, Ms. Sherrie Jones by email or by phone 434-982-5474. Please contact us at least one week prior to when you would like to have a meeting scheduled so that we can identify faculty who will be available to meet with you.