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Genomics Core
Established in 2009 by the Department of Biology, the Genomics Core Facility (GCF) is designed to support research and education at UVA by providing students and faculty with access to genomics related instrumentation and next-generation sequencing technology. Intended as a shared resource core facility, the GCF provides Illumina sequencing and genomics services. The GCF provides guidance and services throughout each step of sequencing research, including experimental design and consultation, template isolation and quality control, library construction, sequencing, and some basic bioinformatic analysis of next-generation sequence data. Formal training is also offered for all instrumentation and experimental protocols in use by the GCF.
- Illumina NextSeq 550 sequencing system
- Illumina MiSeq sequencing system
- Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
- Applied Biosystems 7500Fast Real-Time PCR
- BluePippin size selector
- Digilab Hydroshear
- Qubit Fluorometer 1.0
- Molecular Dynamics SpectraMax M3 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader
- Covaris M220 Focused Ultrasonicator
- Biomek NXp liquid handling robot
- Standard DNA/cDNA library construction
- Small RNA-Seq library construction
- RADseq library construction
- Illumina NextSeq 550 sequencing
- Illumina MiSeq sequencing
Template preparation/QC
- Qubit 1.0, BR DNA Kit
- Quant-iT, dsDNA Broad Range Assay kit
- Quant-iT, dsDNA High Sensitivity Assay kit
- Agilent Bioanalyzer profiles, DNA and RNA
- Shearing using nebulization, Hydroshear, BioRuptor, Covaris
- Purification/size selection using Agencourt AMPure XP magnetic beads
Library quality control
- KAPA Biosystems qPCR assay for 454 and Illumina
- SYBR Green, standard qPCR
- Agilent Bioanalyzer profiles
- 2x50bp MiSeq QC library run
For all inquiries regarding training, project design, and pricing please contact:
Heidi Seears, Ph.D.
Operations Manager
E-mail: has5s@virginia.edu
Phone: (434) 982-5771
Physical and Life Sciences Building 220 (office) and 239 (lab)