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Undergraduate Studies
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- Bachelor of Science in Biology (B.S.)
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How to Apply to the Graduate Program
In addition to reading the information below, prospective applicants may find it helpful to watch our How to Apply to Grad School webinar: https://virginia.zoom.us/rec/share/-wW9_5G4Kw5ZXs5rnEI0--BxNgpvJFUKSCw9ciZwnHRlnzNugC84njhoMwoxNZXO.FsX3MwKCxjy5tzvk?startTime=1726081212000 (passcode: B*2!j&&^).
Application Requirements
Students are admitted to the graduate program for the fall term of each year only. The application materials listed below must be submitted through the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences' online application system, between October 1st and December 1st. NOTE: Applicants interested in the masters program must secure the sponsorship of a faculty member before submitting an application; applications to the masters program that are submitted without such sponsorship will not be considered.
- Statement of purpose: please address the following questions in a statement of 500 to 1000 words: What research or life experiences do you bring that you think will make you successful in our PhD program? What fields are you interested in pursuing and why? What approaches would you like to use in your PhD research? What faculty in our program do you think would be well-suited to guide you in this work? What are your personal and professional goals, and how do you think our program will help you achieve those goals?
- Transcripts: you may submit unofficial transcripts with your application; if you accept an offer of admission, you must arrange for your previous school to submit your official transcripts directly to the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences.
- Two letters of recommendation: Include contact information for 2 references in your application, and they will receive emailed instructions for submitting recommendation letters on your behalf; letters must be received prior to the December 1st application deadline for an application to receive consideration. Seek recommendations from faculty in your proposed field of study who are sufficiently familiar with your work to make a comprehensive evaluation of your abilities. If you have already undertaken a graduate program, at least one of the letters should be from a faculty member who is familiar with your academic performance at the graduate level.
- TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for international applicants whose native language is not English and who did not earn a 4-year undergraduate degree at an institution where English was the primary language of instruction. Applicants submit self-reported scores in their application (from tests taken within 2 years of the application deadline). If they accept an admission offer, they must then arrange for the testing agency to submit official scores directly to the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences). The minimum score requirement for the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL and paper-based TOEFL is 90 (with sectional minimums of 22 in speaking, 22 in writing, 23 in reading and 23 in listening). The minimum IELTS score requirement is 7.0 in each section. The Admissions committee will consider applications with scores below the minimum requirements.
- An application fee of $85
The Admissions Committee begins reviewing applications in early December and offers are generally made by late February. For more information, please visit The Graduate School of Arts & Sciences’ website, including the page of Frequently Asked Questions about admission.
Who Can I Contact for Technical Assistance with the Application Portal?
Applicants who need technical assistance with the application system should contact the Graduate Admissions Coordinator directly (gsasadmission@virginia.edu, 434-243-0209).
How Can I Apply for an Application Fee Waiver?
Due to the substantial volume of requests and the limited availability of departmental fee waivers, the Biology Department has implemented a two-step fee waiver policy:
Step 1: Applicants should first apply for a fee waiver from UVA's Graduate School of Arts & Sciences (GSAS).
• US citizens and permanent residents may qualify for GSAS fee waivers based on participation in specified organizations, training programs, and the United States Armed Forces; graduation from a Minority Serving Institution (MSI); and financial hardship. Click on the following link for eligibility requirements and directions for submitting a fee waiver application, https://graddiversity.virginia.edu/application-fee-waiver .
• International students may qualify for an automatic GSAS fee waiver based on their citizenship. Click on the following link for the GSAS Admission Requirements page, https://graduate.as.virginia.edu/requirements, then click on the “Fees” section for details and directions.
Step 2: Applicants who were denied a GSAS fee waiver may request a fee waiver from the Department of Biology by sending a CV (and only a CV) containing the information below to the Admissions Director, Barry Condron (bc4f@virginia.edu).
- Current address
- Citizenship
- Current position
- Educational background (previous institutions, degrees, and GPAs)
- Research experiences
- Research interests
- Publications, awards, honors, and presentations
- UVA faculty members of greatest interest
Applicants will be notified by email when their application fee waiver requests have been evaluated. Allow a minimum of two weeks for the review process.
Are There Additional Requirements for International Students?
English Proficiency Requirements
International applicants whose native language is not English and who have not completed a 4-year bachelor’s degree at an institution where English is the language of instruction must submit scores from a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam or an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam taken within 2 years of the DEC 1st application deadline. The minimum acceptable TOEFL scores are: 600 (paper-based test), 250 (computer-based test), 90 (internet-based test.) An IELTS score of 7.0 would also demonstrate English proficiency.
English Proficiency Courses at UVA
Strong English language skills are vital to the success of our graduate students in the program, as teaching assistants, on the job market, and in their careers. Consequently, the Center for American English Language and Culture (CAELC) assesses the written and oral English proficiency of all new international students whose native language is not English the spring before they matriculate. Students must pass the oral section of the exam with a score of 55 or higher to serve as TA’s without first completing oral language training. Students who fail the exam must take and pass one or more non-credit English courses taught by CAELC staff. CAELC English courses are free and designed not to overburden students with a heavy academic workload. Click here for more information regarding CAELC testing.
F-1 Visa Financial Documentation
International applicants who accept an offer of admission to the University must submit the Graduate/Professional Student Form I-20/Form DS-2019 Request Packet to the International Studies Office (ISO), as soon as possible after accepting their admission offers, to support their application for F-1 or J-1 visa status.
Please note that the ISO only issues I-20 Forms after confirming the following:
1. The student is proficient in the English language;
2. The student has sufficient funding to cover the cost of attending UVA;
3. All elements of the student's application for admission are present and authentic.
The United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Who Is Biology's Director of Admissions
Dr. Barry Condron is Biology's Admission Director (bc4f@virginia.edu, 434-243-6593).
How Can I Learn about the Research UVA Biology Faculty Are Doing?
To learn about the research our faculty members are engaged in, click on the Research link at the top of our webpage then on any of the specific research areas appearing on the drop-down menu.
What Funding Is Available for UVA Biology Graduate Students?
PhD students are guaranteed financial support for five years of study, contingent on satisfactory progress in the program and adherence to all University rules and policies. Such support includes full payment of tuition and academic fees, a single-person health insurance premium, and living support through a combination of fellowships, teaching assistantships, and graduate research assistantships, depending on students' qualifications and the availability of funds. Base living support for the 2024-25 academic year was $35,000.00.
Masters Degree Students are not guaranteed financial aid and are generally self-funded and responsible for paying their own living expenses, tuition, fees, and health insurance plan (by purchasing a UVA student health plan or demonstrating that they have another plan with the same standard of coverage). Click on the following link to find the current cost of tuition, fees, and health insurance for in-state and out-of-state master’s level students: the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Tuition and Health Premiums. Applicants who are U.S. citizens may complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to determine whether they are eligible for federal aid in the form of work-study and loans. For more information, please visit the UVA’s Financial Aid Basics: Graduate Students.