- Research
- People
- Graduate
Undergraduate Studies
- Overview
- How to Declare
- Bachelor of Arts in Biology (B.A.)
- Bachelor of Science in Biology (B.S.)
- Biology Minor
- Specialization in Environmental and Biological Conservation
- Biology Undergraduate FAQ
- Undergraduate Research
- Distinguished Majors Program
- iGem at UVA
- Human Biology Distinguished Major Program
- Biology Major Email List
- Related Information
Undergraduate Studies
- News & Events
- Connect
Biology Major Email List
The Biology Department maintains a restricted email list of all declared Biology major Undergraduate students. We use this email list to send students important information regarding major requirements, deadlines, seminar offerings, job offerings, or general information of interest to a Biology major. Outside agencies or organizations are not allowed to send directly to the list; all messages must be approved. Undeclared, non-Biology major students who are interested in becoming a biology major or receiving information from the list are welcome to add to the list.
To add or remove your email address from the List, visit: https://lists.virginia.edu/sympa/subscribe/bio-majors
To Request that a mailing be sent to the Biology Majors Email list serve, forward the email (preferably with no attachments) to the E-Mail List Administrator below.
BIOL-UG@virginia.edu, Biology Undergraduate Coordinator and Undergraduate E-Mail List Administrator