Jianhua 'JC' Cang
Office Address: 482 Gilmer Hall
B.S., Peking (Beijing) University, 1996
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2001
Postdoctoral, University of California San Diego, 2001-2002
Postdoctoral, University of California San Francisco, 2003-2006
Research Interests
The overall goal of our research is to study the neural basis of vision: how neurons in the brain respond to visual stimuli and lead to visually guided behaviors; what neural circuits give rise to such function properties; and how these circuits are established during development. We use mice and tree shrews as model organisms, and take an integrative approach that combines in vivo physiology, two-photon calcium imaging, genetics, genomics, behavioral, and computational techniques. For more information, please visit our website.
Recent Publications
Fu J, Tanabe S, Cang J. Widespread and multifaceted binocular integration in the mouse primary visual cortex. J Neurosci. 2023. Publisher's Version
Liu Y, Savier EL, DePiero VJ, Chen C, Schwalbe DC, Abraham-Fan R-J, Chen H, Campbell JN, Cang J. Mapping visual functions onto molecular cell types in the mouse superior colliculus. Neuron. 2023. Publisher's Version
Cang J, Fu J, Tanabe S. Neural circuits for binocular vision: Ocular dominance, interocular matching, and disparity selectivity. Front. Neural Circuits. 2023. Publisher's Version
Li C, McHaney KM, Sederberg PB, Cang J. Tree Shrews as an Animal Model for Studying Perceptual Decision-making Reveal a Critical Role of Stimulus-independent Processes in Guiding Behavior. eNeuro. 2022. Publisher's Version
Tanabe S, Fu J, Cang J. Strong tuning for stereoscopic depth indicates orientation-specific recurrent circuitry in tree shrew V1. Current Biology. 2022. Publisher's Version
Skyberg R, Tanabe S, Chen H, Cang J. Coarse-to-fine processing drives the efficient coding of natural scenes in mouse visual cortex. Cell Reports. 2022. Publisher's Version