Six new publications from Xiaorong's lab

November 4, 2021
  1. Grannonico, M.†, Miller, D.A.†, Liu, M..†, Norat, P., Deppmann, C.D., Netland, P.A., Zhang,  H.* and Liu, X.* (2021) Global and regional damages in retinal ganglion cell axon bundles monitored by visible-light optical coherence tomography fibergraphy. Journal of Neuroscience, DOI: 0844-21.2021, †: co-first authors; *: corresponding authors (Liu lab members are in bold)
  2. Wang, J., Li, B., Huang, H., Norat, P.Grannonico, M., Cooper, R.., Gui, Q., Liu, X. *, and Yang, H. * (2021) Nano-in-Nano Dendrimer Gel Particles for Efficient Topical Delivery of Antiglaucoma Drugs into the Eye. Chemical Engineering Journal *: corresponding authors. 425:130498.   
  3. Norat, P.Gao, J., Soldozy, S., Zhang, H., and Liu, X. (2021) A standardized crush tool to produce consistent retinal ganglion cell damage in mice Neural Regen Res (Perspective) 16:7: 1442-1443
  4. Beckman, L., Cai, Z., Cole, J.D., Miller, D., Liu, M.Grannonico, M., Zhang, X., Ryu, H., Netland, P.A., Liu, X. *, and Zhang, H.F. * (2021) In Vivo Imaging of the Inner Retinal Layer Structure after eye-opening by Visible-Light Optical Coherence Tomography. Experimental Eye Research *: corresponding authors 
  5. Cole, J., Rodriguez, C.Norat, P.Gao, J., Provencio, I., Netland, P.A., and Liu, X. (2021) Neural damage and Neuroprotection with glaucoma development in aniridia Current Neurobiolology12(1): 14-19 (review) 
  6. Ghassabi, Z., Kuranov, R.V., Schuman , J.S., Tayebi, B., Wang, Y., Rubinoff, I., Liu, X., Wollstein, G., Zhang, H., and Ishikawa, H. (2021) In Vivo Sublayer Analysis Of Human Retinal Inner Plexiform Layer Obtained By Visible-Light Optical Coherence Tomography. Invest Ophthal Vis Sci. (in press)