- Research
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- Graduate
Undergraduate Studies
- Overview
- How to Declare
- Bachelor of Arts in Biology (B.A.)
- Bachelor of Science in Biology (B.S.)
- Biology Minor
- Concentration in Environmental and Biological Conservation
- Biology Undergraduate FAQ
- Undergraduate Research
- Distinguished Majors Program
- iGem at UVA
- Human Biology Distinguished Major Program
- Biology Major Email List
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Undergraduate Studies
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Graduate Program
Welcome Graduate Students!
Graduate students in Biology are heterogeneous in their interests and motivations for pursuing graduate degrees in Biology. At the core, they seek rigorous training that allows them to develop, execute and direct cutting edge research. For some, this training will lead to careers as research scientists in the private or public sectors. For others, this training will lead to positions at academic institutions that train beginning scientists. Some graduates of our programs pursue careers in science policy work, advocacy work, communications, medicine and law, areas that require intimate knowledge of the processes by which new discoveries are made and how they benefit the public-at-large.
The Biology Department offers Ph.D. and Master’s level graduate training in a variety of specializations, including Molecular Genetics, Cell & Developmental Biology, Ecology & Evolution, Neurobiology & Behavior, and Plant Biology. In many cases, research programs are interdisciplinary and training opportunities also include participation in several University institutes, multidisciplinary research groups and federally supported training programs. We encourage you to contact faculty for additional information about their research programs (Faculty Directory). We also invite you to explore our department and programs using the links within this section. You will find useful information regarding our programs, financial aid, on-going research, our faculty, Charlottesville and the University.
Many faculty in Biology are also active participants in the Biomedical Graduate Program (BIMS) described on the University of Virginia Biomedical Sciences website. In general, students who desire broad training in Biology and/or access to teaching opportunities, should apply to the Biology program.
Various Graduate Student Organizations, support and augment graduate student life at UVA. The student-run Graduate Student and Post-doc Association (GSPA) is an advocacy group for graduate students and post-docs in Biology. This organization and others like it provide a graduate student community that offers support and opportunities for career development.
Finally, we encourage you to join our Facebook page, which keeps the UVA Biology community updated on upcoming events, achievements, and other news.
Please contact our Director of Graduate Studies, Alan Bergland or our Graduate Studies Coordinator, Sage Bradburn with any questions.