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Department Happenings:

We had another successful annual Halloween Party! Thank you to everyone who came and to those who donated baked goods. Congratulations to Cigdem Sarikartal for winning the costume contest and Abbey Ramirez for winning the baking contest!

GSPA 2024 Halloween

Andrés Norambuena received one of the University of Virginia's Data Analytic Center (DAC) Awards to use Artificial Intelligence (AlphaFold2) in his endeavors. This award will allow his team to explore pathological protein-protein interactions in human iPSC-derived microglia at presymptomatic stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Upcoming Events to Keep An Eye Out For:

Monthly GPSA Meeting: Tuesday, November 12th 10am in Gilmer 490

Our Dean of Graduate Studies (DGS), Dr. Alan Bergland, will join us for a conversation about coursework in the grad program. There will be Bodo's as always! If you cannot make the meeting but still have thoughts about courses or the grad student handbook, please fill out THIS SURVEY.

GSPA Happy Hour: Thursday, November 21st 5-7 at PLSB 4th floor balcony

As always, beverages and snacks will be provided. All faculty, staff, post-docs, and grad students are welcome!

Weekly Coffee Hour: Wednesdays 12:30-1:30 PLSB 4th floor

Take a break and spend some time with your biology community--Coffee, tea, and snacks on the GSPA!

Biology Holiday Party Thursday, December 12th 12-4 in Gilmer 490

Please join us for holiday festivities including: Mission BBQ, Roots, BYO favorite desserts, Musical entertainment, and a very merry raffle

Have a question or concern that you would like to see addressed by GSPA? Please use this form to submit anonymous feedback.