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November Newsletter
Greetings from the Biology GSPA! In this monthly newsletter, we're featuring accomplishments from the Biology Department, announcing exciting November events, and highlighting some thrilling events coming up in December!

Department Happenings: 
 Victoria Sun, who completed her PhD work in George Bloom's lab in May, 2023, had a paper entitled "Structural and functional damage to neuronal nuclei caused by extracellular tau oligomers" accepted for publication by Alzheimer's & Dementia, the official journal of the Alzheimer's Association, with Victoria as first author. Other Bloom lab members who are co-authors include Guillermo Eastman (Pew Latin American Postdoctoral Fellow), Yu Shi (PhD student co-mentored by Ali Güler), Subhi Saibaba (undergrad), Andrés Norambuena (Senior Scientist), Evelyn Pardo (Research Associate) and George Bloom (Professor). This paper describes the dissertation research completed by Victoria, who is now a Postdoc in the lab of Miranda Orr at Wake Forest University Bowman School of Medicine. Congratulations Victoria and the Bloom lab! 

GSPA is having a T-shirt design competition! Design guidelines and the link to submit your designs can be found at the QR code or this link. Anyone is welcome to participate, and winners will receive a free T-shirt! 

November Events:
* UVA STEM Food Drive: November 1 - December 5
Help us win the annual STEM food drive! We are in competition with Astronomy, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Math, and Physics. We are accepting non-perishable items, baby supplies, and personal hygiene items. For any questions, please contact Sherrie Jones.
* GSPA Meeting: Monday, November 27th, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, Gilmer 484
Join us for our November public forum meeting! Bodo's bagels are provided! Come share your questions, concerns, and ideas about how we can improve department life, both academically and socially. If there are anonymous concerns you would like to share ahead of the meeting, please fill out this form.

* Friday Seminar: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, Hybrid - Gilmer 390 & Zoom
November 10th - Speaker: Dr. Ruth Hufbauer, Colorado State University
Talk title: "The Evolutionary Dynamics of Range Expansions."
Host: Dr. Amanda Gibson

November 17th - Speaker: Dr. Ricardo Mallarino, Princeton University
Talk title: "The Developmental Basis of Biological Diversity."
Host: Dr. David Parichy

November 24th - No seminar scheduled.  

December 1st - Speaker: Dr. Michael Ferdig, University of Notre Dame 
Talk title: TBA
Host: Dr. Jennifer Güler 

* Recurring Event:
Coffee Hour: Thursday, 12 PM, PLSB 4th Floor 
Take a break from your desk for coffee and afternoon snacks with your fellow biologists. All are welcome, just bring your own mug!

Looking Ahead!

* Biology Holiday Party: Wednesday, December 6th, 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Please join us in celebrating the holidays! Enjoy Mission BBQ and Roots catering, homemade dessert, drinks, music entertainment, and a raffle. We're so excited and hope to see you there! 

Have an event you'd like included in the December newsletter? Contact Isabelle Sajonia
Have a question or concern that you would like to see addressed by GSPA? Please use this form to submit anonymous feedback.