Good morning everyone,
In response to a request from one of the student co-organizers, I’m hoping to put together a Biology team of faculty, postdocs/grad students & staff, to participate in this year’s Relay for Life,that will be held on the lawn from 2-8PM on Saturday, April 12, to support the Fight Cancer at UVA. Fight Cancer at UVA is a philanthropic CIO that holds fund-raisers throughout the year to support the American Cancer Society. In addition to supporting biomedical cancer research, these funds are also used to provide transportation and accommodations for patients traveling long distances to receive treatments and increasing cancer awareness. To date, UVA has raised $45,000 of their $100,000 goal for this year. The Relay For Life is the end-of-year event that is not a run, but a walk-thon, that includes live entertainment, food and guest speakers to celebrate survivors and caretakers, and to remember those who have passed away from this disease with a Luminaria Ceremony at the conclusion of the event. The Relay for Life event is particularly meaningful to me as the spouse of a cancer survivor and as a professor who over the years as had many students who dealt with parents, siblings and other family members undergo cancer treatment, or who succumbed to the disease while they were in my cell biology course.
Support for this fundraiser comes from a $25 registration fee for participants (which includes a t-shirt & Luminaria bag if you want to remember someone), and donations made by others to participate in the event.
Additional information can be found online here.
This is a great social opportunity for us to contribute to a worthy cause & enjoy a spring day on the Lawn. Just let me know if you’re interested in participating on the Biology team
Thanks for considering,
Mike Wormington