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How to Declare a Biology Major or Minor

Application Deadlines

  • Spring 2024: January 17 - June 30
  • Fall 2024: August 27 - December 1
  • All major or minor forms should be submitted before the start of the your last semester to give ample processing time before graduation.  

Processing times may vary depending on the time of year. Approved major forms should appear in SIS within 3 weeks. The catalog year will be based on the date the student submits the docusign application. Please check your SIS account to verify your form was processed and the requirements report matches the catalog term.  Email [email protected] for questions.

Eligibility Requirements

B.A. Degree in Biology:

1) Complete either BIOL 2100 or any 3000-level BIOL course at UVA.
Students with AP or IB BIOL test credit or transfer credit for BIOL 2100 must complete any 3000-level BIOL course at UVA prior to declaring the B.A. degree.

2) Have at least a 2.000 cumulative GPA at UVA and be in good academic standing.

Transfer students:

Incoming 3rd year transfer students may declare the B.A. degree during their first semester, provided they are enrolled in either BIOL 3000 or BIOL 3010. Incoming 3rd year transfer students may initially only declare the B.A. degree in Biology.

B.S. Degree in Biology:

Students who originally declared a B.A. degree at the end of their second year may change (i.e. re-declare) to the B.S. program, once they have met these eligibility requirements: *  

1) Complete all three core courses with a cumulative average 2.700 GPA (B-)

  • BIOL 3000 Cell Biology
  • BIOL 3010 Genetics & Molecular Biology
  • BIOL 3020 Evolution & Ecology

2) Have at least a 2.000 cumulative GPA at UVA and be in good academic standing

*Note:  The College deadline for changing your major declaration is before the beginning of your last semester.

Minor in Biology:

To be eligible to declare a minor, you must first have a major declared in SIS.  Although there are no specific requirements to declare the Biology Minor, it is recommended to take an introductory biology course (BIOL 2100 or BIOL 2200).

To declare a Biology Major or Minor:

Follow the 7 steps below to complete your declaration form.

1) Fill in the corresponding checklist (for BA or BS only, no checklist for the minor). Save as a PDF. Please save your file with your first and last name included in the file name (for example:  Charles-Darwin-BA-Checklist.pdf)

2) Download your transcript from SIS. Save as a PDF.

3) Follow the DocuSign instructions to complete the DocuSign form online.

  • Enter your name and email under “Student
  • Enter the following under Declaration of Major Contact:
    Name: Lisa Ishler
    Email: [email protected]
  • Click "Begin Signing" at the bottom of the PowerForm. This will lead you to the actual Major Declaration form. You will complete the required fields on the form. 

4) Use the BA/ BS/ Minor templates below as a guide to fill out the courses needed for your major or minor.  You must list at least 22 credits for the BA, 33 credits for the BS, and 15 credits for the minor or your form will not be approved.

Common mistakes to watch out for: BA program, if you are taking a lab that is 3 credits (instead of 4), please make sure to add another upper level elective course to reach 22 credits.  If you are using a course to meet a lab requirement and an area requirement, please add an additional elective course to reach 22 credits.

Use the Lab/Disciplinary Area Requirements list to find eligible courses: 

Lab/Disciplinary Area Requirements List

5) Attach your transcript and B.A./B.S. checklist to your major declaration. (PDFs)

6) Once you receive your approved declaration form back from DocuSign, it will have your advisor listed on the form. You should contact your advisor (available during the fall and spring semester) to discuss your proposed courses. You will find their contact information on our Faculty Directory.

Complete Declaration forms received during the scheduled application deadlines normally appear in SIS within 3 weeks.  Please check your SIS account to verify. Processing times may vary depending on the time of year.

Incomplete forms or forms without the correct attachments will not be processed. 

7) Go to the Biology Major email list and sign up for emails to receive important information.

Questions? Contact the Biology Undergraduate Coordinator at [email protected]