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Janis Antonovics

Research Professor of Biology
Lab Website

Office Address: 416 PLSB


B.A., Cambridge University, 1963
Ph.D., University of Wales, 1966

Research Interests

Research in my lab is on the evolution and epidemiology of infectious disease in natural populations. Current research questions focus on the role of diseases in determining species range limits, host-pathogen co-evolution, and the evolution of transmission mode. The research combines theoretical modeling with empirical research on sexually transmitted diseases of plants (anther smut) and analysis of datasets involving diseases of organisms ranging from bumble-bees to humans.

For more information about research interests, please visit my lab website.

Representative Publications

Antonovics, J. 2017. Transmission dynamics: critical questions and challenges. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B, 372: 20160087. 8 pp

Antonovics, J. 2016. The value of concept: lessons from the evolution of antibiotic resistance. In: Van Aaken, A., and Antonovics, J. (Eds). Too big to handle? Interdisciplinary perspectives on the question of why societies ignore looming disasters. Special Issue. Global Policy, 7: 97-1006.

Antonovics, J., Bergman, J., Hempel, S. Verbruggen, E. Veresoglou, S., Rillig, M.C. 2015. The evolution of mutualism from reciprocal parasitism: more ecological clothes for the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Evolutionary Ecology, 29: 627-641.

Rillig, M. C., Antonovics, J., Caruso , T., Lehmann, A., Powell, J. R., Veresoglou, S. D., and Verbruggen, E.  2015. Coalescence of entire communities: microbial community interchange. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30: 470-476.

Bruns, E., Hood, M. E., Antonovics, J. 2015.  Rate of resistance evolution and polymorphism in long- and short-lived hosts. Evolution, 69: 551-560.

Baker, C., and Antonovics, J.  2012. Evolutionary determinants of genetic variation in susceptibility to infectious diseases in humans. PlosOne, 7 (1) e29089 9pp.